Shadowing reporter Kim from The Royal Gazette
It was November 20, 1998. It looked like it was going to be a rainy day but we still went. I didn't really know what the class was going to do but I knew I was going to spend the morning with a reporter from The Royal Gazette . I really didn't know if it was going to be a lady or a gentleman or how it would be at first. I was a little nervous, especially being out of school and being in town. With someone I really did not know at that. I would just have to wait and see how it goes.
When we got there and I saw Kemar was going to get a man, I wished I would get a lady. So I just waited there with Mrs. Soares-Chan talking about different things. Then finally she came. I got my picture taken with her then off we went.
We talked about different things on the way. There were lots of people there.
There were all types of schools all over the place. When the people at the gate tried to get a better view, the police said to "clear the gate 'cause the Governor is coming in here''.
Finally the Governor came through -- bells, clapping and screaming went on.
Then Jennifer Smith and Pamela Gordon came in and bells, clapping and screaming went on again. We interviewed primary and high school students and adults. We asked people what party were they for. We asked them to support their answers of why they were for that party. "Are you excited?'', was another question they answered. Guess what the little ones or the primary students were able to do that the older ones couldn't do? They were able to support their answers. The big students did not know what they were talking about really. So we continued to walk around the other side of the Cabinet Building and the House of Assembly. The reporter stopped to talk to a senior citizen. Afterwards, we started back to The Royal Gazette .
Speaking of "we'', that means Ms Robinson, the reporter, and I. I was shadowing her during the opening of Parliament. Really, here name is Kim Dismont Robinson. She is very nice. I am glad I was picked to do this. She is working in The Royal Gazette for a year, then she's going back to school. She likes her job because number 1: It's interesting and she never knows what's next to do. It is surprising. And number 2: she gets to do and see certain events that if she were working somewhere else like "Smith's'', they would say no. She would not have been able to be at the Throne Speech. So I think she is a very intelligent person. It was really fun shadowing.
Mornay A. Piper Purvis Primary School 10 years