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Eat Well!, Move Well!, Think Well!

This year Elbow Beach has changed its monthly wellness series to offer locals a more in-depth study of specific health practices.

Chiropractor and wellness practitioner, Dr. Reid Robinson will conduct a four-part seminar from January to April exploring how genetically incongruent lifestyle choices are the leading cause of death, disease, suffering, lost vitality, and lost productivity in the Western world.

"A genetically congruent lifestyle is based on the science of how we eat, move and think," said Dr. Robinson. "My presentations draw on current medical research in genetics, nutrition and exercise, to empower a gradual and comfortable change towards health and vitality."

The following are descriptions of the seminars Dr. Robinson will present.

Lifestyle and Genetics – January 26: The foundation seminar will focus on the role of genetics and lifestyle and its direct impact on quality of health and longevity. It will explore the science of determining the eating, moving and thinking lifestyle patterns that match the human genetic requirements for wellness and prevention.

Eat Well – February 23: It will focus on a genetically congruent, nutritionally sufficient and toxin-free diet.

Move Well – March 30: It will review scientific evidence showing the health promoting and illness preventing benefits of exercise. It will identify innate genetic requirements of physical fitness and energy expenditure and introduce spinal hygiene exercises for functional restoration and spinal health.

Think Well – April 27: This will provide the basics of how to empower change, easily, gradually, and comfortably. It will focus on internal dialogue, belief systems and how individuals can make more genetically congruent choices to attain health and vitality.

To sign up for one or all of the "Eat Well, Move Well, Think Well" series contact The Spa at Elbow Beach at 239-8900 or ebbda-spamohg.com. All seminars will take place in the Paget Suite at Elbow Beach from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.