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Premier meets inmates during Westgate visit

Premier Dr. Ewart Brown speaks with inmates at the Westgate Correctional Facility following a tour of the premises yesterday.

Premier Ewart Brown toured Westgate Correctional Facility yesterday and took the opportunity to speak with inmates.

The Premier said that while many people talk about the facility he wanted to talk to the inmates to find out their thoughts.

He said the issue of young men behind bars was an issue close to his heart as his son, Dr. Kevin Brown, is being held in custody in Los Angeles.

"I have a son who is incarcerated in the US at the moment," Premier Brown said. "I am familiar with some of the issues that arise."

After an hour-long conversation with the inmates, which the media was not allowed to cover, the Premier said that the prison facilities were top notch and commented that he was surprised by the intelligence of the inmates.