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Man fined following assault on Police

Police officers to hospital with minor head injuries.O'Shea Swan, 20, of Spring Hill, Warwick, pleaded guilty to using offensive words in public, violently resisting arrest, malicious damage to a Police car, possessing an offensive weapon,

Police officers to hospital with minor head injuries.

O'Shea Swan, 20, of Spring Hill, Warwick, pleaded guilty to using offensive words in public, violently resisting arrest, malicious damage to a Police car, possessing an offensive weapon, assaulting two Police officers and destroying a pair of glasses -- which belonged to one of the officers.

On Monday at 2.10 p.m., uniformed Police on duty heard Swan cursing, "What the f***, what the f*** -- f*** everybody'' at the shipping area in Hamilton.

They approached Swan and informed him it is an offence to curse in public.

Swan said: "F*** man, get out''.

When Police told Swan he was under arrest, Swan began to violently resist arrest, screaming, "You can't arrest me, f*** off. You are not arresting me''.

Senior Crown counsel Vinette Graham-Allen told Magistrate Will Francis a crowd gathered and officers feared for their lives.

When officers finally got Swan into the Police car, he shifted sides and kicked the left rear window out.

Later, a black-handled 7-inch silver blade was found in his pocket during a Police search at Hamilton Police station.

The defendant said: "It's for my protection.'' The two officers were treated at the King Edward VII Memorial Hospital for minor head injuries, bites and cuts.

"I just want to apologise, I was drinking at the time and I've never done anything like this before,'' Swan said in court.

SOLDIER FAILS TO TURN UP CTS Soldier fails to to turn up A Regiment recruit was charged before the lower court yesterday after missing conscription night.

David Foggo, 19, of Fractious Street, Bailey's Bay, pleaded not guilty to failing to present himself for medical examination after being selected for service.

He told Senior Magistrate Archie Warner: "I'm not guilty because I was in the hospital -- I had a seizure.

"Before I knew it, they came to my house and gave me this paper,'' he added, brandishing the summons order.

Mr. Warner asked Foggo if he intended to join military service now that he was out of the hospital.

Foggo gave Mr. Warner a confused look before declaring he did not want to be in the armed forces.

But Mr. Warner replied: "Whether or not you want to be in the army, there is a requirement of law that when you are served certain documents, you have got to show up for medical examination.'' The hearing was adjourned until November 30 and bail was granted on the grounds that Foggo contact the Bermuda Regiment to schedule a medical examination.

MAN BAILED ON ROBBERY CHARGE CTS Man bailed on robbery charge A 21-year-old American with local connections has been freed on substantial bail after he appeared before a magistrate on a robbery charge.

Adam Leroy King, of Alexandra Road, Devonshire, did not have to enter a plea to a charge of using actual bodily harm against Anthony Eugene Rego and stealing $95 from him on November 10.

Senior Magistrate Archibald Warner released King on $3,000 bail with one surety and ordered that he report to Police once a week and have no contact with witnesses.