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Mauritius national admits ship stabbing

Stabbing: The Bermuda-registered<I> Island Princess.</I>

A Mauritius national appeared in Magistrates' Court yesterday on charges of wounding two seamen on board a Bermuda-registered ship in the Pacific Ocean.

Reeteshwar Shibchurn, 21, pleaded guilty to unlawfully wounding Badrinath Ramessur and Jean Matthieu, both Mauritius nationals, aboard the Island Princess on March 31.

The court heard from Crown Counsel Cindy Clarke that during the night of March 30 on to the early hours of March 31, the ship was heading toward Aruba having left Costa Rica via the Panama Canal.

The two complainants in the matter had finished their kitchen duties and met up with Shibchurn's roommate in his cabin. The 21-year-old came to back to his cabin and asked them to leave. However, the men did not leave.

Moments later, a verbal dispute began and the defendant asked the men to leave again but they didn't.

Mr. Matthieu pushed Shibchurn into the hallway and turned around. He felt a sharp pain to his back and saw the defendant with a small knife.

In an attempt to break up the fight, Mr. Ramessur was cut as well. Both men were treated on board the vessel. Mr. Matthieu received an eight-centimetre wound to his chest, a wound to his left bicep muscle and a wound to his left hand or wrist. Mr. Ramessur received an incision to his right hand.

Shibchurn was found in the passenger galley and the Bermuda Police were notified. Officers on the ship found him in possession of a three-inch black pocket knife and he admitted to stabbing the men but claimed it was in self defence.

Both victims were taken off the ship in Panama where they stayed to receive treatment at the hospital.

Shibchurn's lawyer, Ken James, told Senior Magistrate Archibald Warner his client was very remorseful for what had happened.

He said Shibchurn was tired at the time and just wanted to go to bed. Mr. James said the altercation took place as a result of the complainants not respecting his personal space.

Mr. James explained both men are "of greater stature" than his client and threatened to make him disappear. He said his client felt intimidated and acted in self defence after being pushed by Mr. Matthieu.

Ms Clarke called for an immediate custodial sentence while Mr. James argued any sentence imposed should be suspended.

The matter was adjourned until this morning for mention. Shibchurn was remanded into custody.

The matter must be dealt with on the Island because it happened on a Bermuda-registered vessel.