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Drug addict sent to jail

for six months by Senior Magistrate Archibald Warner after a social inquiry report showed he was unfit to enter a probation programme.

Troy Commissiong, 38, of Brackish Pond Lane, Devonshire admitted committing several theft and forgery offences between March 29 and April 7 to support his drug habit when he first appeared in Magistrates' Court.

The court heard he entered his mother's locked bedroom while she was away on holiday and stole some bed linen, an 18 carat gold bracelet and an 18 carat gold chain, which were worth a total of $5,000.

He also pleaded guilty to a string of offences relating to stealing and forging cheques belonging to his mother and brother, which he used at Belvin's Grocery and at Lindo's Market Ltd. in Devonshire.

Mr. Warner told Commissiong: "Well, Probation Services don't want anything to do with you and, considering your background and situation, the only thing I think I should do is impose a custodial sentence.'' He then sentenced him to a total of 36 months in jail, but ordered the sentences to run concurrently so Commissiong will only spend six months behind bars as that was the longest sentence he received.