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Southampton woman denies attempted murder charge

A 29-year-old Southampton woman was charged with attempted murder in Magistrates’ Court yesterday.Tiffany Butterfield of Southampton was formally charged with attempted murder with intent to cause unlawful wounding to Dwight Booth on June 29 in St George’s.Her boyfriend, Kiwon Butterfield, 32 of Warwick was also charged with unlawfully wounding Mr Booth on the same day.Ms Butterfield was represented by lawyer Sade Subair, Mr Butterfield said his lawyer, Justin Williams was unable to be in court for the proceedings. Nicole Smith appeared for the Crown.Senior Magistrate Archibald Warner released the pair on $15,000 bail with one surety each and ordered them both to stay away from the complainant.The case which will ultimately go before the Supreme Court was set down for mention on July 16.