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Car washers beware of City Hall fountain water

Car washers and car owners are being warned about the chlorinated water in City Hall's fountain and the damage it could cause to vehicles.

According to the Superintendent of Parks, Steven DeSilva, the fountain pool at Nellie's Walk in front of City Hall must be heavily chlorinated for health concerns.

This could cause problems for car washers who regularly use the fountain's water to clean vehicles in Hamilton because all public fresh water taps in the city have been locked.

Mr. DeSilva said the fountain had to be chlorinated for the public's health and wanted to warn car owners of the potential damage this could cause to their vehicles.

He said: "This is a public health matter and to ensure the pool does not become a breeding ground for insect larvae, we have added chlorine.

"The water is kept reasonably aerated through use of the fountains but chlorinating it will ensure it remains insect free.

"Vehicle owners should beware that the heavily chlorinated water can damage their cars, bikes and trucks. The rubber around the windscreen and the paint finish will be compromised and continued use is likely to result in greater damage."