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Man charged in stabbing death

Magistrates’ Court: Plea court (File photograph)

A man appeared in Magistrates’ Court yesterday in connection with the stabbing death of Daunte Woods in Sandys.

Jahmari Beach, 29, was charged with the unlawful killing of 27-year-old Mr Woods and possession of a bladed article.

The incident was alleged to have happened on October 25 last year on Somerset Road.

Mr Beach did not enter a plea as the case must be heard in Supreme Court.

Senior Magistrate Juan Wolffe released the defendant, from Warwick, on $25,000 bail and adjourned the case until the Supreme Court arraignments session on April 1.

He ordered Mr Beach to adhere to a 7pm to 9am curfew, give up his passport, report to Hamilton Police Station three times a week and wear an electronic monitoring device once one was made available.

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