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Moves afoot to allow residents access to Govt.-held information

Premier Alex Scott wants public input on moves to give people the right to access Government-held information.

On Friday he released a discussion paper which proposes as much information as possible should be made accessible unless its disclosure causes harm.

Even then it can be disclosed if in the public interest.

Personal information will be kept secret and fees charged for information should not be prohibitive said Mr. Scott who summarised the key points in the House on Friday.

He said there should be an independent review mechanism to hear appeals for persons or groups whose request for information is denied.

He said: "Secrecy has been the hallmark of governments all around the world but in an increasingly global and competitive world, one where citizens demand to have a stake in Government that serves them, more and more nations are adopting public access to information legislation."

A team of Government high flyers started working on the project in March, 2004 and has looked at legislation from around the world.

Describing the discussion paper, entitled Public Access to Information (PATI), as unprecedented in Bermuda's history he said: "Before today no Government has proposed that the doors to the workings of Government be opened up for public scrutiny in the interests of transparency and good governance.

"These proposals will ensure the public is more informed about the work of Government and therefore better able to actively participate in the political process."

He said the initiative will take a great deal of work to get right but will fundamentally change the way Government does business.

The discussion paper can be viewed online on the Government portal at www.gov.bm by typing "ministries" and then "Cabinet Office".

Hard copies will be printed and be available in the first week of August with the discussion process lasting three months.

Mr. Scott said: "Government chose to present the proposals for public access to information in the form of a discussion paper to create dialogue between Government and the public prior to the development of this important legislation."