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CADA designates tomorrow as ‘Know Alcohol Day’

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Anti-drink diving group CADA has designated tomorrow as ‘Know Alcohol Day’.CADA Chairman, Anthony Santucci, said: “Know Alcohol Day is the culmination of a month of activities during Alcohol Awareness Month. Throughout April, CADA has created activities to raise awareness about responsible alcohol behaviour in our community.”Mr Santucci continued: “Know Alcohol Day is an opportunity to remind the community that drinking and driving is not acceptable in Bermuda. We encourage everyone to remember ‘ABCD’ - Always use Bus, Cab or Designated Driver. To that end, we are working with a number of licensed establishments to continue to get the message across.“Tomorrow throughout the day and into the night, bar tenders will wear CADA tee-shirts with the ABCD message on it.”Restaurants and bars taking part include: The Frog and Onion Pub, Woody’s Drive Inn Two, Ascot’s, Docksider and the Black Horse Tavern. The full list of participating licensed establishments can be found on the CADA website at cada.bmMr Santucci said: “As a reminder that tomorrow is Know Alcohol Day, CADA staff, Board Members and volunteers will greet early morning commuters at East Broadway.”