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Educators set to attend envionment conference

Teachers and education officials will be flying out to take part in Environmental Education 2000 which begins on Wednesday.The trip was suggested by Independent MP Mr. Stuart Hayward who heard about the conference.

held in Virginia next week.

Teachers and education officials will be flying out to take part in Environmental Education 2000 which begins on Wednesday.

The trip was suggested by Independent MP Mr. Stuart Hayward who heard about the conference. "I think that young people have got to learn about the environment through their teachers,'' he said.

"They need to know what is happening concerning the environment and this conference seemed to be the place where educators could learn.'' Mr. Hayward spoke to the then Minister of Education the Hon. Gerald Simons and it was agreed to send seven people -- Mrs. Cathy Bassett, Miss Susan Busby, Mrs. Patricia Chapman, Mr. Ray Latter, Mrs. Kay Latter, Mrs. Maxine Saunders and Mrs. Mary Strong.

Mr. Latter said: "We are hoping to come back with some programmes for children in Bermuda. These have been tested in the United States and Europe.

"We are looking for programmes that we can adapt to Bermuda's environmental niche. When we get back it will mean we can give presentations which will upgrade the level of environmental concerns in the community at large but specifically in schools.'' The majority of those travelling to Virginia are from local primary schools but there are also two education officials involved in middle school development.

Mr. Latter added: "We are trying to set up programmes in the lower school levels and then the middle schools before we try them in the high schools. It is important that we get to the younger children first.'' The group is sponsored by Ace Limited, Esso Bermuda, Bermuda Environmental Defence Fund, Shell Company of Bermuda, Centre Re, Bank of Bermuda and the Bermuda Zoological Society.