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Government refuses to comment on vet

A Government official refused to comment on a former trainee's legal action against the Minister of the Environment.

Acting Director of Agriculture and Fisheries Kevin Monkman yesterday told The Royal Gazette that he could not comment on Dr. Susann Smith's legal action against the department's Minister.

Director John Barnes is off the Island until next Monday.

On Friday, Dr. Smith filed a writ against the Minister of the Environment.

The writ cited the Administration of Justice (Prerogative Writs) Act 1978, the Agriculture Act 1930 and the Agriculture Act 1930 Amendment Act 1966.

Dr. Smith was the Government's veterinarian trainee set to fill a position, last held by Dr. Neil Burnie who resigned in September, 1996.

She had her contract with Personnel Services controversially ended after she failed a US licensing examination three times.

Despite her dismissal, Dr. Smith applied for the recently advertised full-time post as Government Veterinary Officer.

A supporter for Dr. Smith said the advertisement for the position was different from the 1993 advertisement she answered.

The 1993 wording allegedly said the candidate had to be a graduate veterinarian from an accredited school.

The recent advertisement said a qualified veterinarian with a certificate enabling him or her to practise veterinary science in Bermuda.

That post was filled by Bermudian Dr. Jonathan Nesbitt earlier this month.

Dr. Smith, represented by lawyer Delroy Duncan, has also refused to comment on her latest move in the six-month saga.