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The history of the OBA

July 4, 2012Dear Sir,“Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress” — Frederick Douglass.“Our short political history, since the advent of party politics, has had us responding to a stunted political dialogue, one that for many had the United Bermuda Party representing the oppression of blacks and the Progressive Labour Party representing their emancipation” — Scott Stewart.By his own words he has conceded what many thousands have voiced for generations about the United Bermuda Party. They were oppressors of blacks and an unyielding opponent to freedom, justice and equality in this country.Since Mr Stewart and I agree on the UBP and its legacy, let’s move on to present day One Bermuda Alliance.1. Ninety percent of OBA MPs were elected as UBP MPs2. Only the UBP-now-OBA MPs are getting centre stage in the media3. Ninety percent of OBA policies are carried over from UBP4. Anyone reading either Bernews or The Royal Gazette comments will realise the vile comments of racists come from those who self-identify as OBA supporters5. Ninety percent of OBA supporters appear to have been drawn directly from the UBP support base6. Much of the official OBA rhetoric can be perceived as anti-Bermudian:a) Objecting to the creation of affordable housing for purchase by those who want to fulfill the Bermudian dream of owning a piece of the rock (Grand Atlantic)b) Objecting to building new housing in Dockyard.c) Proposals to weaken work permit legislation that protects Bermudian jobs and open the floodgates to foreign workers.d) Marginalising Bermudian businesses and entrepreneurs by opening the floodgates to foreign exploitation through the total elimination of the 60/40 rulee) Silent on Standing Up for Bermudian workers re KFCf) No real interest in a Bermudian workforce “They can’t make time, they can’t dress for work as they have baggy pants hanging down and wear their hats sideways. Then when they get to work the first thing they do is get on their cellphone. And people can’t come to work and bring another excuse like, I had a heavy night last night, it was my birthday and I had too many.” M. Dunkley The Royal Gazette November 25, 2011g) Rejecting efforts of the Government to investing in the renewal of our infrastructure and our futureh) Hypocrisy on Good Governance policiesNow ask yourselves is the OBA a new party or UBP 3.0?In my next letter I will conclude my address to My Friend Scott StewartUntil such time FamilyCHRISTOPHER FAMOUSDevonshire