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Taxi driver, 85, robbed at knifepoint

A brazen daytime robbery on an elderly taxi driver has raised fresh concerns about the safety of drivers.

In the latest attack on Tuesday afternoon an 85-year-old driver was held at knifepoint by his passenger before being robbed of about $100.

Police said the victim received a call at 3.45 p.m. from Serpentine Road where he picked up a medium brown-skinned man wearing a brown coat.

"The man asked to be taken to Palmetto Road, and then instructed the taxi driver to turn onto Long Ridge Pass and stop," a Police spokesman said.

"The suspect then indicated that he needed change for $100, producing what appeared to be a $100 note from his pocket. However, when the 85-year-old pulled out $100 in different denominations to make change, the suspect suddenly pulled out a knife and demanded the money.

"The suspect then grabbed the money and fled the scene, making good his escape."

The suspect is described as being medium brown-skinned, 5ft 6" tall, aged early 20s to early 30s, with a short haircut and a beard and wearing a brown jacket.

Last night Lee Tucker of the Bermuda Taxi Owners Association said drivers needed greater protection and urged the courts should dish out harsher penalties to those convicted of targeting taxis.

And he confirmed that drivers were still boycotting certain districts for fear that they may be robbed.

"It was very unfortunate that this happened to an individual who has contributed to society for so long with his service - the public will suffer if this continues," he said.

"We continue to be criticised by Ministers for not accepting certain calls but we are protecting ourselves and it's unfortunate for the public but this is what it comes down to."

Last October a driver sustained injuries in an almost identical robbery and in March two men jumped out of a taxi with the driver's wallet containing $200.

Last night Transport Minister Wart Brown also urged the courts to "be firm" with those convicted of attacking drivers.

"The taxi is a public vehicle service. Within the next year, all taxis are to be equipped with a GPS system with a feature which will enable a driver to hit a hidden button and call 911 Emergency to help protect against similar violent incidents," Dr. Brown said.

Anyone with information regarding Tuesday's incident to call the confidential Crime Stoppers hotline on 1-800-623-8477.