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Taxi drivers to meet with Govt. today

Taxi leaders have not ruled out further strike action following Friday's one-day protest over Government plans to install a global positioning satellite system in cabs.

But last night Bermuda Taxi Owners Association President Gordon Flood confirmed that both he and Lee Tucker of the Bermuda Taxi Association will be meeting with Government later today for further talks.

Hailing the action a success, Mr. Flood last night said: "I cannot comment on when we will be striking again until we meet with Government.

"The strike was a tremendous success, it was a great turnout of around 100 drivers, another 350 stayed at home and there were less than 100 taxis working. We were happy with it."

On Friday Acting Transport Minister Dennis Lister confirmed in the House of Assembly that Government was prepared to meet with disgruntled drivers.

Some taxi drivers/owners do not want to be forced to pay for the (GPS) systems.

The GPS system will cost around $1,500 per cab and many drivers feel that with the downturn in tourism it is an unnecessary expense and they feel it is intrusive.

Dispute debated in House - Page 4