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Senate to tackle GPS today

Senators debate the thorny issue of global positioning systems in taxis today but few fireworks are expected. Although the Senate can block the bill for a month it cannot repeat the 12-month delay it did last year or amend the legislation.

Senate President Alfred Oughton said he did not know how he or the other independent Senators would vote but he hinted that the upper chamber would be unlikely to delay the bill which the House has now passed three times.

?It doesn?t make sense. It?s been hanging around for long enough.?

Last week rumours were flying around that the GPS bill was slightly different from the one the Senate rejected last year, meaning it could be rejected by the upper house but this proved not to be the case.

Government want GPS in taxis to improve response times but drivers are angry about the intrusion and expense. Government have offered a 25 percent rebate on installation costs to drivers who sign up by July 31.

A Transport spokesman said installation could run from $1,500 to $2,500 depending on what system was chosen although no firm figures could be given on how many had taken up the latest discount offer.

An earlier offer by Government to pick up 50 percent of the cost of GPS installation has been taken up by 85 drivers.

Bermuda Taxi Association president Michael Ray also hinted drivers were not about to take any drastic action although the courts are one option.

Mr. Ray said: ?We just want a peaceful resolution. If there is something in the legal realm which can address it then that is a consideration. We?ll wait to see what happens.?

Senators will also debated the Bail Act today and are set for a rare sitting on Monday.