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of wild Somerset flowers to the Queen. Victoria is held by her uncle Mr.Hartley Watlington with her mother, Christine, behind holding her hat.

of wild Somerset flowers to the Queen. Victoria is held by her uncle Mr.

Hartley Watlington with her mother, Christine, behind holding her hat.

FOLK DANCERS -- The Portuguese Cultural Association Folklore Dancers entertain the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh at the Botanical Gardens.

SEE YOU AT THE PALACE -- The Duke of Edinburgh bids farewell to the Queen as she flies home to the United Kingdom. The Duke later flew to the Bahamas for a vacation.

FAREWELL BERMUDA -- The Queen waves goodbye to a small crowd at the Civil Air Terminal as she boards the RAF VC10. Prince Philip said a private farewell to the Queen before returning to Government House.

ROYAL THANKS -- The Queen chats to Gombey dancers and drummers at the Botanical Gardens after watching their Wednesday performance.

GOLD AND SILVER -- Prince Philip stands with Duke of Edinburgh Award winners at Bermuda College. Beside the Prince is Mr. Alan Brown, chairman of the 25-year-old scheme.

HANGING ON -- The Queen almost loses her hat as she inspects sailors from HMS Argyll at Albouy's Point.