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Politicians and students alike pause to give thanks

Oh say can you see: Allan Davidson get the US flag ready for the Thanksgiving service at he Anglican Cathedral.Photo by Tamell Simons

People around Bermuda celebrated Thanksgiving in their own way yesterday. The November holiday is traditionally a US celebration, but many locals join in by serving turkey and holding observances thankful for the bounty of their lives.

Premier Jennifer Smith, her Cabinet, US Consul Dennis Coleman Jr. and other dignitaries joined with the public at a service in the Anglican Cathedral of the Most Holy Trinity, hosted by Bishop Ewen Ratteray.

Meanwhile, students around the Islands did a little something to mark the occasion. At the East End Primary School, students decorated boxes and filled them with donated food for the needy.

At Prospect Primary School, students gave thanks for books and reading, and held a `Reading is Power' day. Their day opened with an assembly in which they had a poem, choral speakers and shared readings. They also held the official opening of their new `Reading Counts' lab.