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Information night for parents

inform parents of their rights under the law in Bermuda.Former Environment minister Arthur Hodgson, who previously worked in the family court, social commentator Ras Mykkal, and Crown prosecutor Juan Wolffe, will be guest speakers.

inform parents of their rights under the law in Bermuda.

Former Environment minister Arthur Hodgson, who previously worked in the family court, social commentator Ras Mykkal, and Crown prosecutor Juan Wolffe, will be guest speakers.

The group is urging as many parents as possible to attend the meeting, entitled "Boys to Men, Men to Fathers, Fathers to Visitors''.

It will be held tomorrow at the Anglican Cathedral hall in Hamilton from 7 p.m., and will look at the implications for children of the Affiliation Act and the Matrimonial Causes Act.

The group has set up an email address -- childwatch y northrock.bm -- for people unable to attend to send in questions.

Childwatch president Eddie Fisher said: "We want to encourage women, mothers and fathers, to come out to this to get to know the facts.

"We want to make a positive impact and change because we are becoming more aware of the significance of the role of fathers' lives of their children.

Children need both their parents.

"We want to assist fathers, particularly those who are disadvantaged by the current laws or their interpretation.''