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Deputy Mayor wears several hats

June 7, 2012Dear Sir,I read with interest your article about our new deputy mayor, Donal Smith. Question: Isn’t he the same guy who was/is intimately connected to that hotel development at Par-la-Ville and isn’t he suing the Corporation? Hopefully that matter has been resolved, otherwise he would have to end up in the most awkward position of having to sue himself and while we’re on the Donal Smith subject, please answer me another question?Isn’t he part owner of that emissions facility at TCD which every licensed car has to pass through to get tested even though there are no emission standard regulations? Hmm! Why do we need to do this in the first place? I think I know the answer but wonder if you could use your resources to find out the “official” answer.WONDERING –AND WANDERING– IN SOUTHAMPTON