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Pembroke man fined for ?one-finger salute?

A 21-year-old man who gave a ?one-finger salute? to Police was fined $500 yesterday.Ryan O?Neal Clarke, of Parsons Road, Pembroke, pleaded guilty at Magistrates? Court to gesticulating with an extended finger to police officers.Crown counsel Oonagh Vaucrosson said Clarke, who had no previous convictions, gesticulated twice at officers from the window of the Captain?s Lounge bar, on Reid Street, on February 18.

A 21-year-old man who gave a ?one-finger salute? to Police was fined $500 yesterday.

Ryan O?Neal Clarke, of Parsons Road, Pembroke, pleaded guilty at Magistrates? Court to gesticulating with an extended finger to police officers.

Crown counsel Oonagh Vaucrosson said Clarke, who had no previous convictions, gesticulated twice at officers from the window of the Captain?s Lounge bar, on Reid Street, on February 18.

?Officers attended the bar area and arrested him,? she said. ?Before they arrested him he shouted ?no, you are not. You are not arresting me?. He shouted ?you can?t prove anything; you didn?t film me?.?

Man denies sexually assaulting woman

A man has appeared in court charged with breaking and entering a woman?s home with intent to sexually assault her.

The 35-year-old, from Pembroke, pleaded not guilty to the charge at Magistrates? Court yesterday and also denied intruding on the woman?s privacy.

The offences are alleged to have happened on October 1, 2005, in Pembroke. Neither the man nor his alleged victim can be named for legal reasons.

Senior Magistrate Archibald Warner adjourned the case for trial on May 23 and bailed the defendant.

Drunk driver crashed into park wall

A drunk driver who hit a roundabout and crashed through a park wall was banned from the roads for a year yesterday.

Donovan Chad Bean, 27, of Bostock Hill, Paget, was also fined $1,000 at Magistrates? Court after he admitted driving a motor car while impaired by alcohol.

Crown counsel Oonagh Vaucrosson said Bean suffered injuries to his face and lips during the smash near Trimingham Road, Paget, in the early hours of January 21.

He drove a grey Rover car into the wall before losing control and ending up in Crow Lane Park.

Ms Vaucrosson said Police officers who attended the scene noticed he was unsteady on his feet and smelt of alcohol. He told them: ?I?m drunk and I f**ked it up?.

?He was taken to Hamilton Police Station,? she said. ?He said ?hell no? when asked for breath samples.?

Bean told Senior Magistrate Archibald Warner: ?I just want to apologise to the court for contributing to the blight on our roads. I?m disappointed with myself and there is a lot of people that are disappointed in me also.?

Man warned to stay away from ex-girlfriend

A 32-year-old man who admitted harassing his ex-girlfriend was given a six-month conditional discharge yesterday.

Crown counsel Oonagh Vaucrosson told Magistrates? Court that the man approached his ex in a school yard opposite her home in Pembroke on Tuesday and said: ?I heard that you have been getting trained by all these guys out there.?

The woman had recently been granted a protection order which prevented the defendant from having any contact at all with her.

The defendant, from Warwick, told Senior Magistrate Archibald Warner that he had been talking to his friends and his ex-girlfriend overheard him.

He said he was speculating as to whether the woman had been involved in ?a menage-a-five, menage-a-eight, menage-a-ten?.

?That?s what train means,? he said. ?She answered back to say ?that?s not true? and I?m like ?cool?.?

He added: ?I was talking to my friends. We all laughed about it. I laughed. She got an attitude.?

Mr. Warner said: ?That?s none of your business. The whole idea of the order is to stop you interfering with her and her relationships. You intended to and did harass the lady by questioning her about her associations.

?What I would strongly advise you to do in light of this order is to read the order, understand it and stay away from her.?

Neither the defendant nor victim can be named for legal reasons.