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Documentary focuses on gruesome road accident

When Dejon Simmons looks in the mirror, the image staring back at him is not the teenager he remembers.

Instead, he says, he sees the result of a wrong decision.

In a special one-hour programme to be broadcast on both ZBM and VSB on Thursday night at 8 p.m., the 17-year-old student from Berkeley Institute tells the story of how he literally dodged death.

?The Dejon Simmons Story?, produced by Shawn Thompson for the Road Safety Council is graphic, straight-to-the-point and should be prescribed viewing to every youngster in Bermuda who rides a motorcycle or scooter.

Police and members of the Road Safety Council have been fighting a losing battle for years trying to get youngsters to slow down and think twice before making rushed decisions on the road.

While road safety campaigns are informative, they simply don?t convey the same message as a youngster who is living with the disfiguring scars of an actual accident.

This one-hour programme might just succeed where others have failed as the 17-year-old tells it like it is.

But be warned, this programme is graphic and perhaps that?s where the Road Safety Council has failed because Dejon Simmons? face is not one you would easily forget.

But it?s also a story of survival and the pain and suffering a serious accident, or even death, can bring to a family.

In a moving interview, Dejon admits that when he first saw himself after the accident he asked his mother why she didn?t pull the plug.

Dejon spent over a year in hospital, including six months in an induced-coma recovering from the fireball which consumed both him and his motorcycle almost two years ago.

The result of a wrong decision is how the young man describes himself today.

This programme should not be missed.

Produced by Shawn Thompson and directed by both Shawn Thompson and Robert Zuill for the Bermuda Road Safety Council.