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Protection for reefs

announced by Environment Minister Arthur Hodgson.And the list of areas where fishing and anchoring is banned has increased in a bid to safeguard the Island's marine resources. Mr. Hodgson said: "We are extending the number of protected areas.

announced by Environment Minister Arthur Hodgson.

And the list of areas where fishing and anchoring is banned has increased in a bid to safeguard the Island's marine resources. Mr. Hodgson said: "We are extending the number of protected areas. It's all part of the efforts by this Ministry to promote tourism, especially eco-tourism.'' A total of 29 separate places, ranging from inshore shipwrecks to North Rock, come under the new order.

All fishing and the use of anchors, except Danforth-style sand anchors, is forbidden in areas of between 200 and 1000 metres of sensitive areas.

Mr. Hodgson said: "They are not really fishing areas, but sometimes amateurs anchor near the reefs and, of course, the anchoring damages the reefs.

"They also tend to take reef fish. It won't affect commercial fisheries in any way.'' The order also bans summer fishing in three large areas of open water, southwest, east and northeast of Gibb's Hill Lighthouse. The ban is in effect between May 1 and August 31 and is designed to help protect fish stocks. The new order extends the number of areas already protected under a previous order made a decade ago.

Announcing the changes in the House of Assembly in February, Mr. Hodgson said: "As it stands at the moment, we want to make it clear that we have the authority to tell people where and how to anchor their boats.

"But at the moment, the relevant Act is a little broad. We just wanted to make it more clear. There are sites where we don't want people to be anchoring. There are already restrictions and we want to ensure we have the authority to enforce these restrictions.''