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Yacht raided in Hamilton Harbour

Harbour. The raid was apparently ordered after the yacht was seen near the cruise ship Dreamward , where officers had earlier seen a person throwing packages overboard from one of the upper decks.

Two Marine Police Boats drew alongside the 54-foot Norwegian ketch Tamberito at 10.20 p.m. to question a man on board as the yacht lay at anchor a few hundred feet off Lower Ferry in Paget.

At that time a number of Police Officers and vehicles were also on Harbour Road, apparently keeping watch over the vessel.

A few minutes after boarding, a Police boat left the scene to pick up a Police drug sniffing dog and its handler from Lower Ferry.

The Royal Gazette understands Marine Police and narcotics officers were ordered to the sailboat following an incident on the Dreamward in which a person was reported to be throwing unidentified packages into the Harbour. The Tamberito was apparently seen nearby. The ketch then anchored on the Paget side of the Harbour and was monitored by officers on land until the Marine Police were dispatched.

Late last night, Police boats were still alongside the ketch, and it is not known whether an arrest was made in connection with the search.