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Talented students sought

Minister for Education and Development Paula Cox last night urged parents and schools to put talented students forward for a new programme for academic excellence.

Ms Cox said she fully supported the newly-formed Institute for Talented Students in Bermuda, which will kick off in September offering extra classes in math and English.

The programme is now looking for high-achieving youngsters to under-go an evaluation process, which could see them accepted into the institute later this year. The institute is seeking youngsters aged between ten and 14 who are among the top 12 students in their math or English class in both private and public schools.

A talent search test will be held on June 9 at Bermuda College from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. to evaluate all those students who have been put forward. The test will be free, but the after-school classes will have a fee.

Ms Cox said: "The Ministry endorses this programme, which provides an excellent after-school development opportunity for talented students.

"It is important to provide students of high ability with additional challenges and we encourage parents to consider whether their children would benefit from inclusion in this programme.

"The Ministry has an on-going commitment to quality education for all and to enhancing and improving the education experience for students."

President of The Institute for Talented Students in Bermuda Riquette Bonne-Smith said the programme would be affiliated to the Johns Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth in Baltimore.

She said: "Our goal is to increase the competency and competitiveness of Bermuda's students to enable them to meet the challenges that lie ahead, both in Bermuda and abroad."

The courses will be adapted from models developed by the Johns Hopkins programmes and classes will be held Monday to Thursday each week, from 4.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.

The deadline for registration is tomorrow. Anyone interested should submit the name, address and date of birth of their child, along with present grade level, name of school, parent's permission and telephone number.

Information can be forward to the institute on fax numbers 296-5678, or 292-6287, or details can be submitted through schools.

For more information, call the institute on 296-5676.