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Tour boat operators claim regulations are hitting business

Tour boat operators this afternoon said their businesses are being threatened by regulations that prevent staff from soliciting customers.They say they were allegedly told yesterday they were not allowed to solicit customers or remain at port on Corporation of Hamilton property for longer than 15 minutes.Steven Brown, of Destiny Tours, has already been issued a $100 ticket for breaching the regulations.Michael Gladwin, owner and operator of the Reef Explorer, said: “We were informed yesterday at 1.30pm by the Corporation that we are not allowed to solicit on this dock or any other Corporation property.“They are telling us that we only have 15 minutes to conduct our business on the docks. The police are coming and watching us and timing us.“I think the spirit of the law has been misconstrued here.”Hamilton Mayor Charles Gosling said this afternoon that the rules limiting the operators from staying at port longer than 15 minutes have long been on the books, and that in past summers there has been an issue of some permit holders “over-using” the facilities, preventing other permit holders access.He also said the issue of solicitation had not been brought to his attention.However, he said he has already spoken with tour boat operators to arrange a meeting and hopefully resolve the issues.And in a statement this afternoon Chief Operating Officer and Secretary for the City of Hamilton, Edward Benevides stated: “I understand the owners and operators of tour boats held a press conference today to address their concerns about docking on Front Street."The City of Hamilton was not given an opportunity to address their concerns prior to the press conference. My office received a phone call this morning, from Michael Gladwin, requesting a meeting."Mayor Gosling and I are meeting with all concerned tomorrow morning. We welcome the opportunity to dialog with the owners and operators of tour boats and to look for ways we can work together to address these matters.”