Senators praise grant
Corporation's first woman councillor, Miss Sonia Grant.
Starting with Sen. Jerome Dill (UBP), who studied law with her in London, they joined in congratulating her and praised her work for the community.
Sen. Dill also praised Mr. Clifton Anderson for his role as witness to Friday's robbery of a security guard in St. George's.
He paid tribute to the late Mrs. Charlotte Violet (Cannon) Swan for her service to the community. He also expressed condolences to the families of the late Mr. Samuel George (Dippy) Isaac and Mr. Keith Llewellyn Butterfield.
Sen. Trevor Woolridge (PLP) congratulated Archdeacon Thomas Dyson on his sermon during the Constitutional anniversary celebration, and Government Senate leader Sen. the Hon. Mike Winfield praised the Hon. Sir John Plowman and other organisers of the event.
Sen. Ira Phillip (PLP) and Sen. the Hon. Pam Gordon (UBP) expressed condolences to Mrs. Marion Jennings, mother of the late Mr. Elridge Eugene Wainwright of Toronto.
Independent member Sen. Joe Johnson praised the weekend pops concerts in St.
George's and Dockyard.
Sen. Alex Scott (PLP) paid tribute to Bermuda Regiment commander Lt. Col.
Allan Rance and the officer who will replace him, Major David Burch.