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Focus on new habits to keep weight off

Losing focus: try not to eat when working

With summer quickly approaching, everyone is trying to lose weight. Like right this second. However, we know it doesn’t happen that way.

When weight loss is quick it is only temporary; a complete lifestyle change must occur.

In order for the weight loss to stick, the process must be gradual. Increasing your activity level and focusing on healthy habits will speed the process up. No amount of cardio can sculpt a sleek physique if you maintain an unhealthy diet.

Try these suggestions:

Eat breakfast

Some people think skipping breakfast will help them lose weight, but missing meals doesn’t do that. It isn’t good for you and also encourages you to eat more during the day.


Planning meals helps me to stay on track, especially when I’m working in town. When I forget, I tend to snack on things I wouldn’t normally eat.

Eat at the dinner table

Try not to eat anything while reading, watching television, talking on the phone or working. Having food together without distractions is so relaxing and allows you to focus on your meal. If you find yourself wanting more to eat, get up and do something else.

Be creative

Try a new recipe. You will find it hard to eat healthy if you are not excited. Fill a bowl with fruit that you have never tasted; this can be an exciting experience for the whole family. Nutritious snacks will also keep your energy levels up.

Share what you eat

Not everyone likes sharing meals online. However, I find posting food pictures helps to keep me accountable. If you are not into social media, start sharing with a friend.


After work, wait for at least 20 minutes before going to the kitchen. I find that when I get home I immediately start snacking, so change your route into the house if you have to. Better yet, drop the bags and take a quick stroll around the neighbourhood, which is also a great way to relieve stress.

Just do it

We’ve all beat ourselves up about weight that has returned. Yes, it sucks that you have gained weight, but if you want to feel good again, you just have to get on with it. It may be frustrating, but it will be worth it in the end.

Betty Doyling is a certified fitness trainer and figure competitor with more than a decade of experience. Check her out on Facebook: www.facebook.com/B.ActiveForLife