PLP?has blown its chance
January 5, 2011Dear Sir,It amuses me to see the recent bleating and lamenting of the Progressive Labour Party concerning the white vote. What they do not appreciate is that the main reason why a major number of white people do not vote for them, is their policies, not because it is mainly a black party. If the PLP was a totally white party, I, for one, would not vote for them, because I do not agree with their core principles. In 1998, I was happy to see the PLP form the Government and the reason for that was the United Bermuda Party were becoming very arrogant at that time and were not listening to the voters. Why did a substantial number of black voters vote for the UBP? It was because they were in agreement with the basic principles of that party. The voters became disenchanted with the UBP and the PLP were given a chance, but they have blown it! So please, don’t keep playing the racecard. People will vote for the party which the voter feels will represent them better than the other party. It is time for a change.ANTONY SIESECity of Hamilton