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St. George’s miss season openers

Bermuda Cricket Board (BCB) have confirmed that St George’s had informed them in advance that they would not be able to play Saturday’s Evening Cricket League XI at PHC on Saturday.But it remains unclear why the East Enders requested to have the match postponed with club president Neil Paynter not returning calls to The Royal Gazette yesterday.St George’s were due to play Warwick in a 50-overs affair at Wellington Oval yesterday. However, that match has been rescheduled for May 26 at the same venue as the pitch at Wellington Oval is not ready to host cricket matches.St George’s, who are being coached by Herbie Bascome and George Cannonier this season, have been rocked by an exodus of players and according to club sources did not hold a single training session ahead of the opening weekend of the domestic season.Gone are former coach Clay Smith, Rudell Pitcher and Ricky Foggo who have transferred to nearby St David’s. Also severing ties were Richard Todd who has joined his brother Cal Waldron at PHC and James Celestine who has rejoined Flatts.Clay Darrell and the suspended Detroy Smith both transferred to Young Men’s Social Club who have rejoined the BCB’s leagues after withdrawing last year due to a player shortage of their own.The likes of Christian and Zico Burgess, Mishael Paynter and skipper Oronde Bascome are all currently either living or studying abroad.Full cricket round-up, see Page 15.