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Butcher ruled out of ICC involvement

And the absent national cricket coach, appointed only last summer, could be without a job as early as today.

month's ICC Trophy in Canada.

And the absent national cricket coach, appointed only last summer, could be without a job as early as today.

Bermuda Cricket Board of Control president El James confirmed yesterday that the former England Test batsman had been temporarily relieved of his duties in connection with the senior national team.

But he stopped short of saying Butcher's three-year contract had been terminated.

James said a final decision on the coach's future would be announced shortly, possibly today.

Butcher remains in England, believed to be involved in a court case, the details of which are unknown.

The BCBC president, however, was reluctant to comment on the reasons for his latest absence.

"We have been in touch with Mr. Butcher,'' said James. "We have always been very optimistic about having him here, and we still feel that when we look at his credentials we made the right choice.

"But decisions have to be made in the best interests of the sport and we intend to do just that.'' James said that he was aware that there was growing resentment towards the coach with the cricketing public keen to see the Board make a move to replace him immediately.

But he distanced himself from claims that Butcher had not been committed to the job.

"We are talking cricket here, I am only talking cricket,'' said James. "What Mr. Butcher is involved in in England is his private life ... that lies between he and the Board, our only concern is cricket.

"We have to be concerned about preparing our team, getting our young people ready, getting our programmes into the schools and that's all we are concerned about right now as far as a national coach is concerned.

"In spite of all what has been said about him, Mr. Butcher is committed to the job. He is disappointed at this time that he is not here to perform his duties. However, right now he is not here because of something that has arisen out of his control, totally out of his control and it was totally unforeseen at the time when we signed a contract. But we've talked and we should have a press statement within the next day or so.

"I am aware of the criticism from the public about the coach but that is natural. If I was on the outside looking at this, I would say that the Board needed somebody in place as well. We still do, and if Mr. Butcher is not able to be in place and fulfil our needs then naturally we have to look elsewhere.

But whatever decision we mutually make, an announcement will be made definitely before the end of the week.'' James assured that the preparation of the ICC Trophy squad was in good hands with coach Winston Reid and his assistant Clevie Wade contiuing to oversee the squad with the help of trainer Nick Jones.

Even if things were to be worked out with Butcher and he returned to the Island immediately, James indicated that the Board were prepared to leave Reid and Wade in charge with the coach concentrating on a long-term developmental programme.

Butcher ruled out of ICC Trophy From Page 19 "There is no way that any coach can come in right now and take over from these two fellows, whether Mr. Butcher comes back or whether we bring in a new coach. We have to go with these two fellows who are doing a great job along with Jones and team manager Ellsworth Christopher,'' said James.

"We feel comfortable in giving them the go-ahead to continue preparing the fellows for ICC, but we have so many other commitments coming up. We have the Under-15s, Under-19s and seniors and then the regional tournament next March in Argentinia ... development is what we are talking about and when we talk about bringing a coach in, we are talking about development.''