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Man in court over alleged plot to kill Police officers

A man accused of plotting to kill three Police officers and two other men appeared in court.In a brief hearing last week at Magistrates' Court, Vernon Berkeley entered no plea to six charges put to him by Senior Magistrate Archibald Warner.

A man accused of plotting to kill three Police officers and two other men appeared in court.

In a brief hearing last week at Magistrates' Court, Vernon Berkeley entered no plea to six charges put to him by Senior Magistrate Archibald Warner.

Berkeley, a Bermudian who resides in Jamaica, is accused of conspiring with two men to kill Detective Sergeant Arthur Glasford, Detective Constable Terry Trott, Detective Constable Llewellyn Edwards, Sharrieff Wales and Dion Ford, on or about November 29, 2004.

He was also charged with conspiring to pervert the course of justice.

No pleas were required because the charges are indictable. The case was adjourned until June 30 and the defendant, 56, was granted $10,000 bail. He was ordered to surrender all travel documents.

The Royal Gazette understands Berkley was extradited from Jamaica earlier this week.