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`Gladiator' Doran finally has the proof!

to prove how she took on America's finest and beat them.This week on TV Bermuda has been witnessing how Miss Cumberbatch won the exhausting American Gladiators game show.

to prove how she took on America's finest and beat them.

This week on TV Bermuda has been witnessing how Miss Cumberbatch won the exhausting American Gladiators game show.

And the special education teacher has her own fan club with the children at Cedar Grove School where she works. She said: "They love it.'' Throughout the last few weeks they have been watching as Miss Cumberbatch took part in a series of gruelling events taking on the gladiators and her opponents.

At the huge arena based in the Universal Studios in California the games involved running, jumping, climbing, hanging from rings, fighting in huge balls and a cross between American football and basketball.

It all adds up to a exciting competition in a NBC TV programme which is gaining vast audiences in the US and, since September, has erupted onto the UK scene.

Miss Cumberbatch said: "It requires a combination of physical and mental abilities to win. You have to keep in shape. There is the physical challenge in competing in things like Hang Tough where you battle against the gladiators while hanging from the ceiling.

"Mentally you also have to be tough because you have to outwit your opponents to win.'' She was helped by her background in sports having run for Bermuda and being involved in swimming, cycling and racket ball.

When the programme was recorded in 1991, Miss Cumberbatch was at college in the States and was one of 15 people chosen out of 10,000 entrants from the New York area.

She said: "I went to California expecting to spend a week and stayed for five as I progressed through the rounds.

"I knew I could win the competition after the first few rounds but I was delighted when I finally won.'' `Gladiator' Doran finally has the proof! THE CHAMP -- Miss Doran Cumberbatch with the trophy she won in the NBC game show `American Gladiators'.