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Findings of inquiry into blackout will be made public

Forensic investigator Dr. Dawn Miller has returned to the UK after visiting Bermuda to examine the wreckage of one of Belco?s power transmission boards which caused a catastrophic blackout across the Island last month.

A special committee of Belco?s Board of Directors has been formed to work with UK independent power engineering specialist EA Technology to establish the sequence of events which led to the failure on July 14.

Belco spokeswoman Susan McGrath-Smith said the Board of Directors will make its findings public once they have been completed and reviewed by the Board.

She said it is not known when EA Technology will complete its technical investigation.

Last month, Dr. Miller said: ?Our initial investigation will include collecting all the relevant background and historical information. This will involve reconstructing the events leading to the failure, manufacturing histories, service records, and operational conditions.?

It will also include details of any repairs, maintenance or modifications.

?Making sense of the charred and twisted results of an equipment failure relies on two approaches, used in tandem ? sophisticated laboratory techniques, plus expertise in interpreting evidence and patterns of events, based on nearly 40 years of similar investigations.

?The reason for a sudden and catastrophic failure of the type which took place may be many and varied. Our task is to establish the precise causes and present recommendations which prevent anything similar occurring again.?