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Educator Merle top of class

the American International College for outstanding achievement.But Mrs Swan Williams, from Pembroke, said yesterday she is too modest to use the title.

the American International College for outstanding achievement.

But Mrs Swan Williams, from Pembroke, said yesterday she is too modest to use the title.

She travelled with her family to address the graduation ceremony at the AIC campus in Springfield, Massachusetts, on Sunday and collect her doctor of humane letters.

She told The Royal Gazette : "I consider this to be my highest honour and I am extremely grateful.

"Throughout my life, I've never attached any letters after my name and I'm not going to start now.'' Mrs Swan Williams, who is a director of the Clonlara School for Alternative Education in Bermuda, has prepared students on the Island for the AIC for more than 40 years.

She has taught at the Berkeley Institute, Central School for Elementary Education, Prospect Secondary School for Girls, Robert Crawford Secondary School for Boys, and the Adult Education School, which she founded.

In his dedication to Mrs Swan Williams, AIC President Harry Carniotes, described her as a "superb teacher, inspiring pastoral and guidance counselor, intrepid founder and innovator.

"You embraced the belief that a person's education should not be confined to merely a prescribed formal curriculum that allows little freedom for individual differences.

"Thus, you have always directed your efforts to adjust the student's learning to his or her abilities, interests and skills.

"And you made certain that the learning process did not confine itself merely to academic mastery, but included spiritual, emotional and life-skills development as well.

"This philosphy has been your guiding principle and applicable to all age groups -from primary school youngsters through to senior citizens looking to enrich their lives.'' Merle Swan Williams