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Voters' rights group launches

BERMUDA'S newest political pressure group is launching a membership drive in order to give its call for Parliamentary reform more credibility.

The Voters' Rights Association plans to submit a Bill of Rights to Parliament later this year, and is also compiling a list of reports to be filed with the Overseas Territories Commission.

In an e-mailed statement addressed to "members and friends of the VRA", the organisation claims membership is on the increase ¿ but more supporters are needed if the pressure group is to have any credibility.

"The upward trend from all sectors of Bermuda to join the VRA is continuing as envelopes arrive daily with applications for membership. Please keep them coming. We need suitcases full of mail every few days to reach our numbers in four to five digits," the statement read.

"Get your friends on board so that we have a credible number before the end of the month when we submit our concerns on the present structure of governance and ideas for reforms to protect you, the people.

"Whilst we are working hard on the reports we ask you to work hard in getting our membership up to at least a thousand by the 24th of January. If every member gets ten new members we can achieve this. But we cannot stop there for we need at least 51 per cent of the registered voters for an indisputable mandate when we place the Voters' Bill or Rights before the Bermuda Parliament later in 2008.

Other than the proposed Voters' Bill of Rights, we have a very long list of topics that we are currently fleshing out for inclusion in the Overseas Territories Commission report. These include the following:

q The manipulation of Human Rights for political benefit.

q A complete review of the Parliamentary Election Act with suggestions for reforms.

q Election Audits to stop voter fraud.

q The need for corruption legislation to match that of the UK.

q The removal of the Attorney General from political influence.

q A complete review and reform of the Ombudsman Act to ensure that the Ministers and all levels of administration are included as no one is above the law.

q The removal of political influence in our schools.

q The right to expect full transparency and accountability by the government in power.

"We are all in this together to ensure the people control the governance of this country. Removing major decisions from the few that have clearly shown that they have their own agendas is key to Bermuda's future prosperity and social integration.

"People solutions for the people will bring this country together. It's time to put division behind us so we can all move forward as one.

"The Voters' Bill of Rights will finally bring the political freedom for every Bermudian to determine their own collective futures. Dr. Martin Luther King would be very proud."

For more information on the VRA, visit their web site on www.votersrightsbda.com