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It's 6-4 against Moniz - with two non-starters

TREVOR Moniz was ousted from the United Bermuda Party's parliamentary group on a six-to-four vote. And two UBP MPs were off the island at the time and thus unable to vote on the matter, the Mid-Ocean News has learned.

Pamela Gordon and Kim Young were away and absent from the caucus at which it was decided to decline to reinstate the party whip to maverick MP Mr. Moniz, a UBP insider told this newspaper.

With Gary Pitman, who resigned his Pembroke West seat last month, also absent, the UBP parliamentary group was effectively three short when they decided on the future of Mr. Moniz.

The whip had been removed from Mr. Moniz because of his failure to attend caucus meetings and House sessions regularly, according to the party.

Last week's vote leaves Mr. Moniz representing his constituency of Smith's South as an Independent.

He has stated publicly his intention to hold his seat in the House until the next election and then to stand for re-election.

UBP leader Grant Gibbons was reluctant to shed light on the proceedings.

"We had a process within the UBP under our constitution," said Dr. Gibbons. "There was a secret ballot among members of the parlaimentary group. I'm not going to comment on the numbers."

n Jamahl Simmons will be the UBP candidate in the Pembroke West by-election, the party announced yesterday. Mr. Simmons, who works for Shell in marketing, has previously been chairman of the Progressive Labour Party's public relations advisory board and later became general secretary of the National Liberal Party.

Mr Simmons said yesterday: "More than anything else I want my candidacy to unify this community - to renew our spirit and our sense of purpose. I want to reach out to people regardless of party affiliation." The by-election, on February 6, will replace retiring UBP MP Gary Pitman.