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Business calendar

New York Insitute of Finance Spring Programme. January 31 - April 14. 212 3905094 European Captives Convention, Jan 24-25, Park Lane Hotel, London . (44) (0)20 7453 5498.

MMX 2000 Money Market Expo 2000, Feb. 9-11, Miami, 508-481-4473.

MAR/Hedge 5th European Congernce on Hedge Fund Investments, Feb 14-16, Geneva, Switzerland. New York 212 213 6202.

New York Institute of Finance Spring Programme. May 15 - July 28. 212 390 5094 38th RIMS Annual Conference and Exhibition, April 30-May 5, 2000, San Francisco. 800 713 7467.

ICAP 2000, The International Captives Congress, May 15-19, 2000, 508-481-6400.

Risk Insurance Research Group Ltd's 7th Luxenbourg Rendez-vous. May 23-25, 2000, Centre Europeen, Kirchberg-Luxembourg. 44 (020) 7836 0614.

*** Business Calendar is published every Monday in the Business section. If you have an event or conference you want to list, contact Mairi Mallon at 295-5881 ext. 247.