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OBA says it will keep FutureCare; Dunkley denies leadership challenge

Michael Dunkley

A visibly angry Michael Dunkley has rejected suggestions that he is vying for the leadership of the One Bermuda Alliance, the move allegedly stemming from the formation of blocks within the party. He stated he will not challenge party leader Craig Cannonier for the position. Responding to questions at a press conference yesterday about a public perception of leaderships problems and the formation of blocks, he said: “That is absolute nonsense. I am on the doorstep continually and I never hear that. In the caucus room I never hear that.”The One Bermuda Alliance deputy leader accused the ruling Progressive Labour Party of creating the controversy. “It is an attempt by the PLP to derail attention from issues like the economy, jobs and education,” he said.”I will not challenge Craig Cannonier now, or after the election,” he said.“Is that clear?”An increasingly passionate Mr Dunkley continued: ”I take great offence to that. We are very, very close.”The issue arose at a press conference where the OBA were responding to PLP claims that FutureCare will be cut should the party win the December 17 election.FutureCare benefits will not change, said Andrew Simons, spokesman for the shadow health board and OBA candidate for constituency 17.The OBA had called the conference to dispel comments made by the PLP’s Pembroke West election candidate David Burt, who asked in October if FutureCare would be “on the chopping block” under an OBA Government.In his own press conference yesterday morning challenging the OBA to explain how they would pay for their proposed slate of programmes, he said: “Since the OBA says they can do all this while reducing the debt, tell us, what would you cut to make your math work? What is on the line? How much will the OBA cut FutureCare? “ He went on to say: “What do you plan on cutting? The voters deserve the facts.”Hours later, Mr Simons said: “Once more, for the record, the OBA supports FutureCare. We will not abolish FutureCare. We will not cut FutureCare.”OBA deputy leader and shadow minister for health Senator Michael Dunkley said: “Seniors enrolled in FutureCare will see no change in their benefits.” And he said seniors who wish to join in the future will be able to. ” It means new people will continue to be put on.”He said: “I think Government realises now that FutureCare was not the best approach, but we don’t want to play politics because seniors deserve to live in comfort.”Mr Simons, reading from a prepared statement, added: “For most seniors, healthcare is their number one concern. They worry about getting sick, about having access to good doctors and about how they will pay for their medical care and prescriptions.“That's why FutureCare is so important to them. It answers many of their needs. And that's why it is so shameful that the Government election machine keeps lying to our seniors about the One Bermuda Alliance position on FutureCare.“In fact, under an OBA Government seniors currently enrolled in FutureCare will see no change in their benefits.”Describing PLP claims that FutureCare would be abolished as “fear-mongering and lies” designed by the PLP’s “government election machine for trying to win seniors” votes,” he added: “The OBA believes seniors deserve better from their leaders.”He described FutureCare as “not perfect,” and went on to say that Bermuda's healthcare system as a whole was not perfect either. “It's too expensive. Government's administrative costs are too high and serious clinical and administrative reforms need to take place at Bermuda's hospitals to reduce costs and correct the mistakes of the last five years.“A financially responsible OBA government will continue the FutureCare system and make it better for all Bermudians. It will be fair, and it will be sustainable.”He went on to say that while the healthcare system does need change, he called the PLP’s proposed National Health Plan “radical” and “unnecessary”.“Our entire healthcare platform will be available before the election and debated on its merits. But for now, we ask the Government to stop spreading untruths and to stop misleading our seniors.”