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Man jailed for using Baygon as weapon

Baygon may not be hazardous to the environment, but in law, in the wrong hands it can be a dangerous weapon.

Magistrate Archibald Warner jailed Tio Tauvaun Weeks for possessing an aerosol can of Baygon insecticide as an offensive weapon and wounding Shane Outerbridge on January 27.

Weeks, 24, of no fixed abode, admitted he sprayed the insecticide over a flame from a cigarette lighter at a childhood friend in an argument over money.

Mr. Warner had heard that around noon that day a "girlfriend'' of Weeks and Mr. Outerbridge gave him money in front of a group of people on Kitchener Close Road, Sandys to buy food.

Junior Crown counsel Graveney Bannister said Weeks did not return to the area until 9.45 p.m. that night. He claimed he had been arrested.

An argument erupted and Weeks left the area again, only to return with the Baygon and ambushed Mr. Outerbridge who was not injured.

A violent fight broke out with Mr. Outerbridge suffering a cut to his forehead and a wound to his stomach consistent with being stabbed with a fork.

Bystanders had knocked the aerosol can away and were later able to separate the two men.

When Mr. Bannister said the woman was a girl friend of the men, Mr. Warner asked: "You mean the two of them have the same girlfriend?'' For wounding Mr. Butterfield, he gave Weeks a six month prison sentence, suspended for 12 months and fined him $1,000 with a 90 day default penalty for wounding Mr. Butterfield.

For having the offensive weapon, Weeks was fined $500. If he does not pay that fine Weeks will be jailed for 25 days. All fines are to be paid by February 29.

Weeks told Mr. Warner: "$1,500? I don't have a job man! I can't pay that fine in one month.'' "That's alright,'' Mr. Warner replied. "That's why I put in the defaults.'' Duty counsel Michelle St. James told Mr. Warner that she had given Weeks names of people to contact at the Government Employment and Training office.

But Mr. Warner replied: "No, obviously he wants to go up there (to Westgate Correctional Facility).''