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Teenager Joell in 30th finish

Bermudian teenager Makai Joell was top local sailor at the IODA South American Championships, finishing 30th out of the 162 sailors in Algarobbo, Chile.Joell, 14, led the local contingent of four in the standings, with Antonio Bailey finishing 63rd, Rory Caslin 96th and Chase Cooper 114th.Organisers lost two days of racing due to large waves preventing the sailors from launching or not enough wind.They were able to complete at total nine races which allowed sailors to drop their worst score.In the one day team racing event for the Nations Cup (for non South American countries), Bermuda won their first match against Canada II before losing a close match against the US Virgin Islands. They then lost to Canada I which eliminated them from the contest.The newly crowned South American Champion is Tiago Brito, of Brazil, followed by Francisco Ducasse from Chile.In third place was Diogo Pereira, who was the winner of last year’s RenRe Jr Gold Cup in Bermuda.The top two girls of the South American Championships were Justina Pacheco (5th) from the Dominican Republic and Odile Van Aanholt from the Netherlands Antilles (18th).Both girls were also front runners in the 2010 RenRe Jr. Gold Cup last October.