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$3,000 fine, six month in prison for habitual traffic offender

A habitual traffic offender has been jailed for six months for multiple traffic offences.St George’s resident Keijon Steede admitted to a host of offences occurring on a range of dates.Prosecutor Susan Mulligan told Magistrates’ Court that between September 14 and 22, the 30-year-old took a Suzuki motorcycle belonging to Gregory Trott without consent.Steede pleaded guilty to the offence and also pleaded guilty to driving while disqualified, failing to give a breath analysis, driving dangerously and issuing threatening words.The four additional offences occurred on September 22.The court heard that at 11pm on September 14, the complainant parked his bike at Pier Six car park.The complainant later realised at 3am that his bike was no longer in the car park and that he did not have his keys. Mr Trott reported the theft to the police.Ms Mulligan continued to tell the court that on September 22, police on patrol saw Steede riding the bike in town and recognised Steede, knowing that he was banned from driving.The police pursued Steede, who rode onto sidewalks causing pedestrians to jump out of the way.During the chase, Steede failed to comply with many stops signs and traffic signals in Hamilton, riding erratically in an attempt to evade the officers.Steede eventually fell off the bike and ran on foot until he hid in a pond at the back of a Canal Road residence.The officers arrested the defendant, who swore at them saying: “F*** you, I don’t give a f***.”He continued: “F*** you, I ain’t been drinking,” adding: “F*** you, you dirty slut,” to one of the officers.The defendant was later interviewed and cautioned.Steede told police that he hadn’t stolen the bike, and that he had purchased the motorcycle for $1,300 on September 15 from a man named Kevin Smith.In court, Steede said that he had a drinking problem and needed help.Ms Mulligan noted that the defendant had extensive traffic offences, and that he currently has 72 active demerit points.She also noted that Steede has been convicted of drunk driving three times in the past two years.Senior Magistrate Archibald Warner told Steede that he was going to go to jail for these offences, and offered the defendant the ability to change his pleas on other pending trials.Steede accepted, and pleaded guilty to using offensive words, driving an unlicensed motorcycle, driving while disqualified, no third party insurance and impaired driving. The additional offences took place on April 27.Steede also had a 12 month suspended sentence issued in July 2011 for disqualified driving. In light of the new offences, the 12 month jail sentence was activated.Mr Warner sentenced Steede to serve six months in custody of his suspended sentence.The defendant was also fined a total of $3,000 for all the offences, as well as multiple sentences of three months imprisonment for taking the bike without consent, driving while disqualified, issuing threatening words and also using offensive words.Additionally, Mr Warner banned Steede from driving all vehicles for two years and sentenced him to 12 months probation following his jail time.The Magistrate said that all sentences will run concurrently, as well as any defaults on the fines.The new offences came just months after Steede served 30 days in jail in May after he was caught driving while disqualified for the third time.The defendant was also recently fined $2,000 for using offensive words and obstructing police earlier this month.In response to his latest sentencing, Steede told the Magistrate: “Thank you very much.”