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City reduces venue rental fees

In its July Board meeting, the City of Hamilton resolved to offer a 30% reduction on its 2020 venue rental fees. This includes rentals for events in car parks, City streets, City parks, including Fort Hamilton, the Pier 6 Complex, the Earl Cameron Theatre and City Hall grounds.

As Bermuda moves through the phases of COVID-19 recovery, towards a new normal, more attractive rental fees serve to encourage the public to explore hosting events. Adherence to strict health guidelines, as outlined by Government, for any event on City-owned property, will be strictly enforced by the City to ensure that renters and attendees are compliant. The rate reduction applies to events held in 2020. Existing 2020 bookings will also receive the discounted rate.

For any inquiries and more information about renting a City-owned venue, please send an email to events@cityhall.bm or visit the rental webpage on the City’s website, www.cityofhamilton.bm.

Press release from the City of Hamilton