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Lister to unveil hand in St. George's Prep row by Wednesday

Education Minister Terry Lister remained tight- lipped yesterday over the decision to keep the second primary one class at St George's Preparatory open for the coming school year.

When contacted by The Royal Gazette Mr. Lister said he will comment on the decision at a press conference on Wednesday. On Thursday, the twenty-five families fighting to reverse a Ministry of Education decision to axe the second Primary One stream at St. George's Prep for September 2004 won a decisive victory. At a hearing held that day, the Appeals Board decided to support the appeal to keep the second stream open for the 2004-2005 school year in accordance with the Education Act.

On Friday, a Government press release said; “The Ministry of Education and Development will wait until it has received and studied the written ruling of the Appeals Committee before issuing any public comment”.

Parent spokesperson Nick Duffy has suggested both St. George's Preparatory School and East End School offer two primary one classes permanently.

“Parents have always argued that the larger schools in the area need two streams,” he said. “What we would like to think for the year after that is the Ministry recognises that there is demand for this school.”

Mr. Duffy pointed out that public education is in demand, particularly as St. George's is one of the fastest growing parishes on the Island. Government has announced it will be building 200 low-cost homes at Southside which may place an additional demand on schools in the east end. This year 47 students applied to St. George's Preparatory School, 20 to the East End Primary, and 17 to St. David's Primary provided by Mr. Duffy from the initial application time.

“The vast majority will want access to the public education system, so as parents we are asking what's the logic of reducing the system?” said Mr. Duffy.

On Thursday, Mr. Duffy said: “I honestly hope it is over now,” that may depend on what Cabinet decides to do with the decision. Education Minister Terry Lister said he was surprised by the outcome and needed to review the decision. He will discuss the decision with Cabinet tomorrow and present his decision on Wednesday. Asked if the Government had the power to repeal the Appeals Court ruling, Mr. Lister said it would be premature to speculate on what would happen. He said the final course of action will have to be decided on soon, with the end of the 2003-2004 school year rapidly approaching. “We are very sensitive to that.”

On Friday, thirty-six students were registered at St. George's Preparatory School.