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Police: We need your help to fight crime

Police representatives stressed the need for the community to get involved with curbing the current levels of crime on the Island during a public forum at the Chamber of Commerce last night.

Acting Chief Inspector James Howard of the Criminal Investigation Unit said residents could take simple steps to reduce crime by ensuring their premises were locked, being responsible for their actions and reporting crimes when they see them.

The Spinning Wheel?s security team manager, Bruce Simons, suggested that an ?Adopt-a-Cop? programme be implemented where officers were assigned to drop in on a nightclub every week. He wants officers to sit with security teams and offer them advice. He also feels that routine Police appearances will keep patrons in line. His sentiment was echoed by the president of Island Restaurants Group, Philip Barnett, who felt regular Police patrolling in Hamilton would sort out many issues the Island faces.

But Chief Insp. Howard said that the community needed to take responsibility for their actions.

He said it is unreasonable for bartenders to serve a man until he was ?blue in the face?, send him packing when the bar closes and then lament that Police were not present outside their bar when the man caused an altercation.

The prevalence of drugs on the Island was another issue that was brought up with many people in the audience questioning why there weren?t more officers on Court Street.

Chief Insp. Howard again turned it back on the community, saying the Police are doing their best, but until people are willing to report drug activity it was hard to do anything.

Det. Insp. Peter Brentano said that without evidence or witnesses Police cannot bring criminals to the courts.

He also called on pubs to ensure that their premises were not being used for drug deals, pointing out that many locals and most tourists do not go to Court Street to buy their drugs.