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Dr. Brown increases his power base

Arthur Bean photo: Alaska Hall PLP press confrence candidate anouncements Ewart BrownArthur Bean photo: Alaska Hall PLP press confrence candidate anouncements Ewart Brown

Giving Tourism to Ewart Brown will be a cause of celebration for his many supporters and further evidence of empire building to his equally numerous enemies. But for Premier Alex Scott it seems a logical step to tie Transport with Tourism, even if has said the move might be temporary.

It will help Mr. Scott's desire to reduce the size of his cabinet and it will increase Dr. Brown's powerbase, giving him a portfolio he has long coveted as he replaces his former ally Renee Webb. However whatever their personal differences Dr. Brown has striking similarities to his predecessor. Both built up reputations for hard work and success in some of the less glamorous portfolios. And both were labelled abrasive by those who stood in their way.

Certainly Dr. Brown is the great survivor. Auditor General said Dr. Brown should have declared an interest when selling property to the Bermuda Housing Corporation but he emerged relatively unscathed from the scandal surrounding the Government quango.

He plotted against Jennifer Smith and then had to admit to PLP supporters how they had been mislead as they fought the election.

But instead of opting for Dr. Brown the party chose compromise candidate Alex Scott to replace her.

Mr. Scott has kept him in the cabinet and given him some lee-way to make the case for independence.

Dr. Brown has taken his GPS bill to the brink twice and lost but voters are grateful for the fast ferries and the increased flights off the island ? if they ever manage to get a taxi to the Airport. Now in his late 50s the openly ambitious Dr. Brown will relish the chance to enhance his reputation in the twin brief as he stakes claims to the top job when Mr. Scott finally decides to retire.