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Parents, teachers walk out of PTAmeeting

Parents and teachers walked out of a PTA meeting at Purvis Primary School on Monday night following what one PTA member called a ?blow up? between the principal and the executive council.

The member of the PTA, who did not want to be identified, said the verbal scuffle broke out between the executive council, principal and parents because principal Roseclaire Bulgin failed to contact PTA president Chevon Armstrong about the meeting.

She said earlier in the day when she was collecting her grandchildren from school, she overheard a parent telling another to attend the meeting because Mrs. Bulgin was going to demand the resignation of Mr. Armstrong.

She said a rift existed between the current PTA executive council and referred to an e-mail which was sent this week.

The e-mail had been sent by former PTA president Sara Willats to Mr. Armstrong.

In the e-mail Mrs. Willats told Mr. Armstrong that she had ?openly told several people? that she was considering a vote of no confidence in him.

The woman said that the PTA executive council had decided to hold another meeting to resolve issues before calling another PTA with parents and teachers.

The most recent meeting was held in an effort to resolve issues which came to light at meetings last week.

The PTA have been at the centre of controversy since they voiced their disapproval of Mrs. Bulgin a week ago.