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End to End breaks $4m mark

Education Minister Dame Jennifer Smith hands out awards for the top school participants in the 2011 Catlin End to End walk.

The Catlin End-to-End celebrated breaking the $4 million mark in its 24 years of fundraising, as it handed out more than $250,000 to Bermuda charities today.Bermuda’s tough economic times were a recurring theme in the remarks of thanks from the 11 local charities who collected cheques at the Catlin End to Endceremony in the Bermuda National Gallery.The team also awarded its top volunteers and team participants.Education Minister Jennifer Smith congratulated the 416 students from the 19 schools that participated, while Health Minister Zane DeSilva challenged Catlin CEO Graham Pewter to walk with him again next year.A total of 2,200 people turned up on May 7 to walk, run, swim, bicycle, row and ride on horseback around Bermuda.Next year’s End-to-End, on May 8, is to be the 25th anniversary of the fundraising event the Island’s largest.