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Jewellery thief sent to drug treatment court

A man who admitted the theft of more than $4,000 worth of jewellery and a motorcycle from his ex-girlfriend was yesterday sent to the Drug Treatment Court.

Melvin Williams, 61, pleaded guilty in Magistrates’ Court to stealing the items from Gloria Martin.

The court heard that the two had been in a relationship for several years and moved in together in December 2018, but separated in August the next year.

Ms Martin demanded that Williams leave the house, but found out on September 1 that he had left on her motorcycle without her consent.

She also found a letter from jewellery company Gold Standard addressed to him.

Javone Rogers, for the Crown, said that she did not open the letter at first.

But Ms Rogers added that after Ms Martin realised that Williams did not have any new jewellery she became suspicious and opened it.

The letter warned Williams that the jewellery he had deposited with the company for cash would be kept unless he repaid them.

Ms Martin visited Gold Standard to investigate and discovered that the company had some of her jewellery without her knowledge.

She also learnt that Williams had stolen her jewellery as far back as 2018 and exchanged it for cash at Gold Standard.

The stolen jewellery had a total value of $4,212.

Ms Martin reported the theft to police, who found Williams with the stolen vehicle on October 17, 2019.

Williams, from Devonshire, appeared in court on September 28 last year.

He at first denied the thefts, but yesterday changed his plea to guilty.

Williams admitted that he sold the jewellery to fuel his drug habit.

He added: “I just want to move on and get my life together.”

Senior magistrate Juan Wolffe ordered a social inquiry report and a drug assessment on Williams and referred him to the Drug Treatment Court.

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